Thursday, December 17, 2015

Are The Washington Redskins a Playoff Team?

After beating the Chicago Bears on the road, 24-21, the question remains the same. Are the Washington Redskins a playoff team? That question depends on what you think about the Skins if you want an answer. It mostly all depends on Kirk Cousins and if he plays efficient or not. It also depends on if their defense gives up big plays. It also depends on if they are playing on the road or at home. Two out of the three upcoming games for them are on the road so that is not good. But I have seen improvement by Kirk Cousins on the road and he has been progressing.                                           

 Most people aren't giving the Skins nearly as much credit as they should be getting. They have had to handle a bunch of adversity with some devastating losses. One of those kinds of games was a 19-16 loss against the Dallas Cowboys. The game after that they played the Bears on the road and to everybody's surprise, they beat them, 24-21. 

Like a couple of other teams, the Skins just have to keep finishing off games. They almost got too careless when they played the Bears but got lucky when Robbie Gould missed a 50 yard field  goal late in the game that would have tied it up. 

If you're keeping track of who has the easiest schedule, for the last three games to tell you who would make the playoffs in the NFC East, the Skins would be the winner in that category. All of there upcoming games are winnable. Here is their schedule [ the Skins are 6-7 right now ] :

Week 15: Bills

Week 16: Eagles

Week 17: Cowboys

Here is the Eagles Schedule [ they are 6-7 right now] : 

Week 15: Cardinals

Week 16: Redskins

Week 17: Giants

Here is the Giants schedule [ they are 6-7 right now ] :

Week 15: Panthers

Week 16: Vikings

Week 17: Eagles

Here is the Cowboys schedule [ they are 4-9 right now ] 

Week 15: Jets 

Week 16: Bills

Week 17: Redskins

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