Sunday, December 13, 2015

3 Things The Redskins Have To Do To Get a Win

The Washington Redskins are 5-7. They could have easily had a much better record if they had won a bunch of games that they were leading in until late in games. They're still at the top of the division but only by a tiebreaker. So they basically have to win this game. Here are three things that they will have to do.

1. The Skins have to run the ball efficiently. There last few games their running game hasn't been that efficient. Matt Jones is improving with his fumbling issue but Alfred Morris is not getting involved at all. A lot of the pressure is going to Kirk Cousins who is playing well but you shouldn't have to rely on him only.

2. Secondly, the Skins defense has to stay at it's best like they were against Dallas causing three turnovers all being fumbles. Today they are going to be facing Jay Cutler and the Bears offense with a bunch of guys to worry about like both running backs Jeremy Langford and Matt Forte.

3. Lastly, Desean Jackson has to get involved more. I don't know how many times I saw Desean Jackson wide open and Kirk Cousins didn't pass the ball to him. He is the best play maker on the team. Kirk Cousins has to throw the ball to him.

If the Skins do all those things, they can easily get a win. The only thing standing in their way is themselves.

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