Sunday, June 14, 2015

Game 5 Of The Finals Pregame Analysis

The Golden State Warriors are coming off a very important win. A win that they needed to even have a chance at winning the finals.

And tonight they are playing back in the Bay Area which makes things a bit easier with their home crowd cheering them on. On the other hand, the Cavaliers are coming off a devastating loss, in a game that would have gave them a big advantage if they won.

Here are three big things that both teams must do to win the game tonight.


1. The Cleveland Cavaliers can't let the Warriors get easy fast break points like they did in game 4. Point guard Stephen Curry and forward Andre Iguodala were a big reason why the Warriors got those fast break points. In game 5 tonight, the Cavaliers will have to stop the fast break.

2. The Cavaliers must keep Stephen Curry from catching fire late. In game 4, he took over the game in the second half, and the Cavaliers couldn't handle him. They have to make sure he doesn't all of the sudden start scoring and give his team a big lead. In the first couple of games that guard Matthew Dellevadova covered Curry, he stayed on him really tight, but in game 4, he wasn't able to handle him. Tonight, the Cavaliers will have to defend him well.

3. Lebron James needs to keep shooting. Just because he didn't have such a good game shooting in game 4, does not mean he has to stop. The Cavaliers need him to score for them. If he doesn't, then Timofey Mozgov, Iman Shumpert, and Matthew Dellevadova would have to score all the points and they would not be able to do that.


1. The Warriors need to box out Tristan Thompson. Since Steve Kerr went with the small lineup in game 4, the bad part about it was height, and Tristan Thompson got every single offensive rebound. If he still stays with the small lineup today, than the forwards and center have to make sure they box out Tristan Thompson.

2. Stephen Curry should try to get shots up early to either make them, or draw some quick fouls on Dellevadova so he can be taken out and Curry can take over. In game 4, he played like he usually does. He came back to his normal self scoring 22 points in that game. He will have to keep the Warriors in this game if nobody comes to step up and make an impact on the game.

3. Klay Thompson and Andre Iguodala did a very good job of limiting Lebron James's points in game 4, and they will have to do that again tonight, this time in Oracle Arena. Although, usually the veteran in Lebron James doesn't go two games being shut out. He will definitely be trying to bounce back today so one thing that Klay Thompson and Andre Iguodala can't do is relax.

Both teams are looking to break the tie and have the advantage in game 6.

On one side, Cleveland is looking for revenge on the Warriors from their game 4 loss, but on the other side, you have the Warriors looking to take advantage of playing in Oracle Arena where they rarely lose.  

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