Thursday, June 11, 2015

5 Things The Warriors Have To Do To Go On And Win The Finals

Coming into this series, the Cleveland Cavaliers were the underdogs. But right now, it is the Golden State Warriors who are struggling.

There are some big reasons why they have been struggling. Now I'll tell you 5 important things that the Warriors have to do if they even want a chance at winning the finals.

1. The bottom line is that they can't let Lebron James get easy baskets on offense. He has been getting way too many easy baskets and has been scoring 41.0 points a game in the first three games in the finals. That's crazy. When Lebron James gets past whoever is guarding him whether it is Harrison Barnes or Andre Iguodala, Andrew Bogut has to come and help out on defense. Right now Andrew Bogut is just giving up on defense. That is not going to give them wins. 

2. Stephen Curry is forcing up shots right now and he is not going to win the Warriors a single game if he forces up shots. He needs to let his shots come to him like he did in game 1. Also, Curry needs to use his teammates more. He has been trying to make a one man show by himself. He needs to get other players involved like Klay Thompson and Draymond Green. 

3. Whoever is guarding Matthew Dellevadova can't let him get to every single loose ball. Dellevadova is getting to loose balls way to easily and creating new possessions for his team. Stephen Curry couldn't stay on him in game 3, and Dellevadova had 20 points. Tonight, he needs to be covered well.

4. Klay Thompson is going to make a big impact if he can play at his best today and for the rest of the series. The whole Warriors team in general has been missing a lot of open shots. They need to be more consistent. In the last couple games when they have just started to come back they have given up and lost the game.

5. Draymond Green has to make his three point shots tonight especially. His recent three point shots have not had success lately and he has been getting open looks on top of that. He also needs to box out Tristan Thompson to get rebounds because tonight's game is going to be very important.

Tonight's game could go either way. But the mystery still remains the same. Who will win tonight's game?

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