Sunday, February 7, 2016

Should the Redskins let go of Alfred Morris?

The Redskins are going to have to make a couple big choices. But one of the bigger ones involve running back Alfred Morris. They have the choice to let him go, or hold on to him. It is a huge choice to make. To me, it seems like Alfred Morris is the most reliable running back on the Redskins. He might not be the quickest or most explosive running back on the team but he does not turn the ball over often. Morris is coming off a disappointing year. He had 751 rushing yards and just one touchdown. The Redskins running game as a group did not do well in the 2015-2016 season at all. Before Morris's poor rushing year, he had consecutive 1,000 yard rushing seasons for three years. It was his first year below 1,000 rushing yards. Morris also only averaged 3.7 yards a carry.

If the Skins do let go of Morris, they still have a couple of other good weapons in the running game. They have Matt Jones who is a pretty explosive back, and he can also give you good quality runs. Then they have Chris Thompson who is a great back that you can dump the ball off to in the backfield. They also have Pierre Thomas, an extra veteran back that they signed late in the season.

So if the Skins do let go of Morris, they will still have a solid running game. I personally like Morris but now think it is time for the Redskins to move on from him and see what awaits them on the road ahead.

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