Saturday, July 11, 2015

Why Jeremy Lin Will Help The Charlotte Hornets

I am super excited about Jeremy Lin going to the Charlotte Hornets.

Lin is a very good passer and a good passer is something that the Hornets technically do not have. They have Kemba Walker who is their starting point guard but Walker is more of a score first kind of guy. On the other hand Lin is more of a pass first kind of guy who is always looking for the open player but can still take the ball to the rim effectively. Lin can also help the big men on the Hornets create a shot for themselves like Al Jefferson and Frank Kaminsky.

Lin will also bring a scoring ability to this young team which is what they will need coming from the bench. Last year, the Hornets lacked talent coming from the bench. They didn't really have a point guard last year that backed up Kemba Walker that could drive to the hoop and play through contact as well as Lin does. It will be great for the Hornets to have somebody like Lin who can come off the bench for Kemba Walker and make some plays for them.

One player that Lin will play well with is Al Jefferson who he can work on the pick and roll with. Al Jefferson is a center who can work down low and make a short jumper that most centers can not make. When Jefferson and Lin are playing at the same time they will work well together.

Lin will also play well with Jeremy Lamb who was also added to the Hornets but from the Thunder. Lamb is a good shooter from 3-point range and can start sinking deep shots once and a while. With Lin and him probably coming off the bench together, they can both create some shots and get points on the board.

Jeremy Lin will help out this young team in the Hornets in many different ways. I'm not saying that Jeremy Lin is an elite player or anything like that but he can still make an impact on how the Hornets play this coming year.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Which Team Does Jeremy Lin Play With This Coming Year

After a very crazy season with the Los Angeles Lakers, the young point guard in Jeremy Lin might be looking for different options this year.

Last year was his first year with the Lakers and things did not go as expected. Jeremy Lin went through a lot of ups and downs. In the beginning of the season he was the Lakers starting point guard. Then he started backing up point guard Ronnie Price for a while and then he started backing up rookie point guard Jordan Clarkson.

Things did not go so well for Lin in his first year with the Lakers but now that he is a free agent there are a lot of teams that are interested in getting him.

One option for Lin is going to the Dallas Mavericks. He would probably replace either Rajon Rondo, or Monta Ellis. The Mavericks are a good team for him and he would also be playing with a couple of his former teammates such as Tyson Chandler who played with him during the Linsanity run with the Knicks, Chandler Parsons who played with him on the Houston Rockets, and Monta Ellis who Lin didn't play with as much in his rookie year with the Warriors.

Another option for the young point guard is for him to go to the Sacramento Kings. They have lately been interested in getting him from the Lakers. With the Kings, Lin would be able to have the freedom of using his play making ability without Kobe Bryant or Jordan Clarkson on the floor with him. Lin could really help out the Kings if they brought him over. He would make a good team with Rudy Gay and Demarcus Cousins also on the Kings.

The developing point guard might also even be considering playing with the Lakers for another year. The Lakers might not be a good fit for Lin because he will have to fight for the point guard spot with a lot of other younger guys.

The Lakers might not have been a good fit for the 26 year old point guard who is still developing and getting better but this coming year Jeremy Lin will find a team that is a good fit for him whether it is the Lakers again or a different team.